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You win some…you lose some

27 May


Even though I’ve been doing this for 5 years, I continue to learn something new almost everyday.  Case in point – – I never imagined how quick bonds and connections form between you and your players/cheerleaders.  Maybe I’m an exception to the rule??  Or do other coaches experience the same??

This week, after just a month into the new season, I lost 2 cheerleaders.  I’ve never lost this many at one time….and it really took a toll on the team.  It melts my heart to see such genuine care and friendship.  And people say cheerleaders are ‘mean’ and middle schoolers are heartless?? 😉

As a coach, I have to remain level-headed and strong in times such as these.  Am I sad to see two talented, fun, cheerleader-sweeties leave?  Yes!  Recently, I read the book The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer.  I learned that because we have such a devote love for what we do, it hurts us personally when others don’t share or reciprocate that love.

I’m not saying it’s taboo for coaches to show emotion and compassion….but we also have to remain a coach!  It’s time to go back to the drawing board, revise some stunt groups, and redo formations.

And so it begins…

11 May

Well CHEER followers, the season has officially begun!  Time for grueling practices, tears, and Icy Hot.